
Single Issue Spotlight - 1/30

So this week was a fairly eventful one comic book wise, as Justice League: Shitty for Justice and the new line-up of Justice League #41 debuted in addition to other books that were actually good as opposed to those I've just mentioned. With Peter's reviews forthcoming, I'm going to focus on my favorite issue that I read this week, an issue which was very good: Green Lantern #50. I'm going to be talking about this book in some detail, so for safeties sake, I'm going to introduce our newest character here at Event Fatigue: The Spoiler Pirate! Take it away, matey!

Terrific. Hit the jump for the review.


All-Time Awesome Lines From Comics - Watchmen #12

I finally watched the Ultimate Cut Watchmen film, and I was sorry to see that the major problems were still completely intact. And not only were the biggest problems not rectified, but in the case of the Tales of the Black Freighter and some of the other additions all it does is make it abundently clear that Zak Snyder was just not smart enough to direct this film. He didn't really grasp what was going on in most of the scenes it felt like, and that was most clear in how botched the ending was. I'm not talking about the lack of the space alien (or the "squid" as people call it) but what was missing was all emotional impact of the big event that happened, as the deaths were rendered almost meaningless by showing only an empty and smoking crater, but also the unneccesary changes to one of the most beautiful moments of the book. So today, I'm going to show you the scene that always stuck with me from Watchmen, probably my favorite from this last chapter of one of the greatest comics. Hit the jump for it.


The Arm Thief Uncovered!

As a follow-up to my Attention Must Be Paid! post Re: Roy Harper's dismemberment, Justice League: Cry For Justice has revealed the arm murderer. Hit the jump for the reveal.


Links You Should Know - 1/26

Hey all, I'm just stopping in quick tonight. If you haven't had a chance to, check out Pete's reviews of last week's comics cause he covers a ton of books. Anyway, for today's edition of Links You Should Know, I'm putting in a little comic book news out there for you, with the story curtesy of CBR's Robot 6 blog that DC is going to be offering a new Green Lantern ring and a Flash ring with their Brightest Day books this spring. I think the ring promotion was the best idea that they had in a long time, so the more than can do with stuff like that the better. Check it out.

Event Fatigue Comic Book Reviews - 1/20

Hello readers of Event Fatigue. Sorry that I haven’t had any reviews up in the last few weeks, but I’ve been away from the comic world since the beginning of the New Year. That said, I have three weeks worth of reviews coming your way. I am, however making a change to my reviews. My biggest gripe with the comic book industry is the $3.99 price tag for monthly books. My way of addressing this problem will be to get rid of my 1-10 scale of rating a book will from now on state the price of the book and whether or not the book was worth the money or not. Now then on to the reviews.


The Main Event... Fatigue: 1/25

Welcome to the first edition of The Main Event... Fatigue, my new (hopefully)weekly sports feature. Today, I'm going to posting about some of the main issues in sports from my own perspective, focusing mostly on the NFC Title game. Hit the jump for the rest of the article.