Up In The Air -
4.5 out of 5 - MUST SEE
Going to a movie is a lot like getting on an airplane. You already know where it's going, so you don't bother getting on unless you know you want to go there. If I want to be uplifted and appreciate humanity, I don't go see Saw IX or Law Abiding Citizen, or if you want blood and guts you don't go see the Blindside. Same way with flying, in that if I want to go to Los Angeles, I don't get on a plane headed for Buffalo. But there are extremely rare occurances when you get on a plane that looks like it's headed one place, but then when you get there it's a different airport and a different place than you thought you were going to, but yet it's almost better that you ended up there. That's Up in the Air in a nutshell, that the movie looks to be following one path the entire time but when you get to ending it's not only different but far better than you thought it was ever going to be. And it such a more brilliant and poignant film because of this.
Up in the Air follows George Clooney, in what is most likely the role where he lands his Best Actor Oscar and deservedly so, as Ryan Bingham, a man who spends almost 300 days a year flying from city to city firing people for corporations that are down-sizing. Every day he is in a new city, a new hotel room, with new people and he couldn't be happier, since his most miserable times of the year are the days he doesn't travel. Bingham is an incredibly fascinating character since he starts the movie not tethered to anything or anyone and he is completely happy and content with his entire life. But then first he meets Vera Farmiga's Alex, a fellow road warrior who also has a no-attachments lifestyle that perfectly fits Ryan, but then he meets Anna Kendrick's Natalie. And while Ryan falls for Alex, he immediately despises Natalie because she is a young upstart co-worker who develops a system of firing people by teleconfrencing, essentially grounding Ryan and forcing him to set roots down in Omaha, which ruin his dream of accumulating 10 Million frequent flyer miles. So to convince Natalie she is wrong and doesn't know what she's doing, Ryan takes her on a cross-country trip with him firing people and basically opening her eyes as to what they actually do at this company. While Natalie is learning about what she's getting into, Ryan is looking at his own life and realizing that maybe his life isn't as appealing to him as it once was.
But if that's all the movie was than it would just be an above-average redemption story with some terrific performances, but thankfully the movie does not go in the direction that you think it does and instead becomes something much better. I'm going to just leave it at that, since pretty much the only plot I've talked about and feel comfortable talking about without ruining the movie is from the first thirty minutes. Instead, I think it's interesting that all of the Jason Reitman films I've seen so far, Thank You For Smoking, Juno, Up In The Air, seem to center on men who think that they are content with their lives but soon realize that what they've always known they wanted becomes less important to them. Ryan has so much more in common with Aaron Eckhart's Nick Naylor (TYFS) than he does with Jason Bateman's father-of-the-year Mike Loring (Juno), but there is still that feeling of similarity between the three of them. Kindred souls that are all three left searching for what they believed they had already had, and changing dramatically througout the course of their own quests. What's most amazing is that Reitman approaches these ideas and topics with almost none of the cynicism that we've come to expect when looking at a film like this with this subject matter, the lack of it is as much a breathe of fresh air as everything that is in this film. With three movies that progressively have gotten better and better, until this which is hands down his best, Reitman is developing into a director to surpass his father and puts him in place to stand with the upper echelon of modern day director's like Christopher Nolan and David Fincher.
The biggest was the performance by Clooney, heart-breaking and hysterical throughout the entire film. And make no mistake about it, this film is hysterical despite the fact that it is more heart-felt than most of the "Oscar Bait" films that are set to come out this month. There is real sentiment behind Clooney's character, and when you start to see the inevitable shift in how he sees his own life it isn't cheap or rushed at all, but grows organically from the events of the story the way it should. As I've said before, Clooney will definitely be nominated for this performance and he deserves to win for it as well, which is par for the course with Reitman who has a knack for getting his leads to turn out phenomenal work. From Aaron Eckhart to Ellen Page and now to Clooney, Reitman really shows a grasp of giving his leads enough balance and support for them to turn out career defining work in his pictures. That isn't to give him all the credit, as George Clooney is one of the most consistent actors in Hollywood and always does a good job in all of his films, except for the awful Ocean's 12 where no one was good and lots of people's time was wasted. But even compared to his turn in Syriana which earned him Best Supporting Actor, this is the kind of performance that should define Clooney.
Look, this was not a perfect film. There were problems in it and with the way they approached some of the subject matter. But the thing is, I loved this film. This was such a tremendous accomplishment from everyone involved that I don't want to cheapen it by dwelling on minor quibbles with it, and instead decided to focus on the stuff that stuck with me. I think that this is a movie that you have to see in order to truly appreciate the feelings that accompany seeing everything unfold. I think that most anybody will enjoy this film, so grab someone you care abour deeply and take them to see this.
MUST SEE - 4.5 / 5
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